Prayer For Saturday 11/10/2018

The prayer today is just a little different that the usual morning prayer.  I watched the news, last night, and what an awakening that was… It lead me to this mornings prayer–and the question is it time yet came to mind?

Prayer For Saturday 11/10/2018

Well Winter is here–It seems like Fall was sort of left out. You know we are seeing so many changes and fast. Lord I said it in the Prayer-4-15 and I will repeat it here. Lazy Christians or maybe want-a be Christians have sat by and watched America crumble right before their eyes.

Atheist wanting crosses removed, the Bible and Prayer removed from public schools, abortion, homosexuals elected to the government. Shooting, stabbings, cars, gangs, the list goes on and on and it is not getting better. Where are the Christians? What is it going to take to wake the Church up.

I was thinking about a story I wrote about a while back about the KGB and Christians.
What would happen if gunmen walked into churches Sunday morning and said “OK all you people that love this Jesus or God or even the Holy Spirit line up along the wall we are going to kill you” how many would stand up and move to the wall? It could be coming a test of “Do you really love Jesus, do you really trust Him? The rubber is starting to meet the road I believe.

Is the separation starting is the wheat and tares 1 Corinthians 3:5-9 harvest time is coming and when it gets here, trust me we will have no doubt. How long is our Father going to let this go on? Well I believe He is giving all a chance to make a choice. I have heard it say there will not be and end because babies can not make a choice and He said when all has been reached so this END thing is just a joke.

Well that comment comes from those who have not studied the Bible or even read it. I do believe that the babies that have been aborted are in Heaven and I do believe that the age of accountability is when one knows right from wrong. Until one can make that decision on there own they will be covered.

I do believe that making a decision about accepting the Lord or not is an individuals decision and that we all have to make it on our own…

The Guilt of Mankind

Read Romans 1  or read 2 Peter 3:1-13.

However reading verse 10 2 Peter 3:10 (MEV) But the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat. The earth also and the works that are in it will be burned up. Now think about that is it time for a decision to be made?

Today’s Prayer is going to be this and only this I ask each one of us to read 2 Peter chapter 3 then take an inventory of oneself and just think about what you have read… The day is coming one way or the other. See we all are going to pass away, one way or the other, we will either die or He will appear in the sky, and then all are going to kneel before Him and confess that He is God the one and only God and then comes judgment..

This is hard to talk about or even think about however we need to we all have friends, neighbors, relatives that are not saved. There are people dying and going to hell as one is reading this prayer. My prayer this day is:
Lord forgive me for those I have not spoken to for those I have walked passed and did not help. Forgive my vane thoughts and my destructive thoughts. I have not been as open and close as I should be all the time. I ask for forgiveness for the things I have and have not done, for not speaking up when I should and for being quiet.

I pray Father that we all become bolder and become the Christians that You have desired us to be. I pray that when people see us they see You. That we will not be afraid or ashamed to pray when prayer is needed. That we all learn to trust You and that You, through the Holy Spirit, will pray the prayers You would have us to pray. That we all will become bolder and stronger in being a witness for You.

I know that our actions speak a whole lot louder than our words. I pray that as we go today that this will be the day that we all become BOLDER about who You are and who we are. Lord I pray that the Ministers of Your word. Become true and real speakers of Your words and that invitations and alter calls become a way of life and the local church building be filled with The CHURCH and not the church being filled with people.

Help those that speak the true word be supported and those that do not speak the truth by gone—in the might name of Jesus. Father let Your word become loud and clear to all that hears it and let those You have appointed become the bold soldiers You have appointed us to be. I ask for forgiveness for not trusting You in ALL that I do—when I try to do it on my own, knowing I can not.

Thank you for loving us all when we are not lovable and when we try to make it on our own. I pray that everyday we all stand up and be the Christians You have called us to be. I ask that this scripture be brought forth in every mind of those that are reading this prayer.

Mocking God

Mocking God is disrespecting, dishonoring, denying or ignoring His existence. It is a serious offense committed by those who are describes as wicked because there is “no fear of God in them”

Psalm 36:1 (MEV) An oracle within my heart about the transgression of the wicked:
There is no fear of God before their eyes.

In the Bible mockery is a behavior or an attitude shown by a fool… Let us look at and think about:

The Wicked

Psalm 1:1 (MEV) Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;

The Enemy

Psalm 74:10 (MEV) O God, how long will the adversary scorn? Will the enemy blaspheme Your name forever?

The Proud

Psalm 119:51 (MEV) The proud ones have derided me, yet I have not forsaken Your law.
Isaiah 37:17 (MEV) Incline Your ear, O Lord, and hear. Open Your eyes, O Lord, and see, and hear all the words of Sennacherib, which he has sent to reproach the living God.

The Unteachable

Proverbs 15:22 (MEV) Without counsel, purposes are disappointed, but in the multitude of counselors they are established.

My prayer is that we all take and inventory of who God is in our lives. Repent and become ALL that our Father desires and Jesus died for.

I now pray this all in the precious and magnificent name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior—AMEN!

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Thank you for reading and may God bless and be with you and watch over you. And World it is time for us to BLESS GOD again…

Psalms 5:8 (MEV) Lead me, O Lord, in Your righteousness because of my enemies; make Your way straight before me.

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