Anxious–To Be Uneasy Apprehensive Or Worried

Anxious man is that word a mouth fool and I think Paul could see it coming and was trying to cut it off before it happened. Using the best defense he had he gave us all a strategy against it’

Anxious--To Be Uneasy Apprehensive Or Worried

by Jym Wells

Philippians 4:6-7 (MEV) 6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with gratitude, make your requests known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will protect your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Verse 6 Be Anxious For Nothing

Don’t give in to the lies of the enemy and start to worry about something you have no control over.

But In Everything By Prayer

We should pray for and about everything we face daily. Nothing is to big or to little for our Father to handle for us…

And Supplication

To ask for humbly or earnestly, as by praying… Making your requests known to our Father by giving Him thanks for taking care of it.

Verse 7 The Peace Of God

Which will do more than and be superior to anything we or anyone could do…

Protection For Our Hears and Minds

All things are possible if we ask our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior

Memory Verse October 5, 2018

John 17:3 (MEV) This is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent. 

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Thank you for reading and may God bless and be with you and watch over you. And World it is time for us to BLESS GOD again…

Psalms 5:8 (MEV) Lead me, O Lord, in Your righteousness because of my enemies; make Your way straight before me.

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