
The End Is Near–The End Is Near Are You Ready

The End Is Near–The End Is Near Are You Ready The End is near…  If we turn on the TV or social media, we will see all the things that are happening have been spoken about that are to come to pass in the Bible. by Charlotte Theriot 07/22/2018 If we read Mathew chapter 24 …

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Warning In The Last Days Perilous Times Will Come

Warning In The Last Days Perilous Times Will Come Warning, warning, warning in the last day we will be full of or involving peril; dangerous or risky times. Look at America today it is like 2 Timothy 3:1-5 was written for us today. Is the time here are we closing in on our Father saying …

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Blameless And Harmless Shining as Lights in the World

Blameless And Harmless Shining as Lights in the World Blameless and harmless sons and daughters without fault. That is who and what we are. Jesus paid the price for us all. He died for everyone so that they can be saved. It is a choice that we all must make… by Jym Wells 08/18/2018 Philippians …

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Complete Thoroughly Equipped For Every Good Work

Complete Thoroughly Equipped For Every Good Work Complete and thoroughly equipped for what? It does not say particularly equipped complete and thoroughly. There is people that believe the Bible is incomplete and they have to find the rest and they have to get it to be finished. If so then why is this verse in …

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