Trusting Believing Knowing And Understanding

Trusting the Bible can be and to some is a hard thing. That might sound funny however think about it for a moment. The enemy has built a story full of sin and painted it as a way of life and it is the complete opposite of what our Father would like us to live.

Trusting Believing Knowing And Understanding

by Jym Wells

Christian Growth Ecclesiastes 1:18

Ecclesiastes 1:18 (MEV) For in an abundance of wisdom is an abundance of frustration, and he who increases in knowledge also increases in sorrow.

I remember reading this when I first got saved and I thought then why do I wish to be smarter if it brings me sorrow and pain. I could not understand it just like a lot of other things I did not understand in the Bible.

I asked questions then and I still do now. The only way to learn is to read and study. This ministry has taught me that I must study to know and I must learn to understand. Being a Christian means learning and knowing, however, understanding and doing is the part that is missed.

Ecclesiastes 3:2

One can fill a bathtub and sit and look at the tub full of water, but they will not get clean until they get in the tub and wash. Some Christians are like filling the tub then washing in the sink and calling themselves clean. They own a Bible they carry it to church however they never open it.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Something to think about is in Ecclesiastes 3:1 (MEV) 1 To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven:


And then in verses 2-8 we find the seasons. However what good is it to read it or know it and not use it what good is it to have it an not apply it.

Ecclesiastes 3:2

A farmer wishes to have acres of corn however he sits on the porch of his house and prays every day and his fields are still empty. Why because there was a season to plant and instead he prayed. I am not saying he was wrong to pray I am saying he should have had his prayer then went to work sowing his seed {colonels} of corn if one does not plant one does not harvest.

I do hope that one learns this lesson and grows in our Lord…

Memory Verse November 7, 2018

Ecclesiastes 3:14 (MEV) I have perceived that everything that God has done will be lasting. And to this there is nothing to be added, and from it there is nothing to be taken away. And God has done this so that in His presence men fear Him.

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Thank you for reading and may God bless and be with you and watch over you. And World it is time for us to BLESS GOD again…

Psalms 5:8 (MEV) Lead me, O Lord, in Your righteousness because of my enemies; make Your way straight before me.

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