Ever Been Steered Wrong

by Sandy Brown Elder

I wrote, as many of you know, an article last week in reference to Chrislam, and the spreading of the Islamic religion through Christian churches in America. I would like to expand on something today though that I have heard, and even believed, questionably, in the past myself.

In dealing with Islam and Christianity, many believe and will say that Ishmael is the actual true father of Islam. However, I disagree. Here is why. One question, Ever Been Steered Wrong?

Ishmael is discussed in the Holy Bible in Genesis, the first book of the Bible. Well prior to Jesus Christ ever being born. And? You ask. Just because God chose Isaac to be heir to Abraham and sent away Ishmael and his mother, does not mean at all that Ishmael started a new religion. Now I am still studying this, and input from all readers is welcome, but God blessed Ishmael. Would God have blessed Ishmael and his descendants, if Ishmael were going to run off and start a religion that would actually contradict God and what he had already done? Or a religion that would contradict in the future that Jesus was indeed the Christ and the savior and redeemer of the world? I do not think so.

You can begin with Ishmael in Genesis 16, for the sake of this article, I began at verse 11. I then looked at various verses with regard to Ishmael and his being sent away with his mother. I looked up Isaac as well and Sarah’s request of Ishmael and his mother to be sent away. Genesis 21:10 was God’s response to Sarah’s talking to Abraham about sending away Ishmael and his mother and God told Abraham to hearken (listen) to Sarah.

I went all through Abraham’s test of faith by his willingness to sacrifice his son, Isaac, after building an altar to God, and more.

Afterward, I began searching, because I could not remember, the birth of Muhammad. Well, that did not occur until 570 A.D., which was quite some time after Christ was born, and then died upon the cross for our sins to be forgiven, so that we may receive everlasting life.

You see, Muhammad, if you do a quick search of his history, was a herder with his uncle, because his mother died around the time he was six years old and his father had died prior to his being born. At around the age of nine or twelve, depending on who you talk to, Muhammad set out on his own in his own career. Upon his travels, Muhammad met many travelers who were Jewish, Christian, and yes, even Pagan.

In 610 A.D., Muhammad returned from one of his meditating trips to Mount Hira, just outside of Mecca, and told his wife that he was either crazy or a prophet and that he had been visited by the angel, Gabriel. According to Muhammad, he resisted when the angel told him to go and “proclaim”, and continued to resist doing so, until the angel stated what the Koran holds in 96:1-3. I will only give the first two lines here.

Proclaim in the name of your Lord who created!
Created man from a clot of blood.

As Christians, we know that Genesis 1:27 gives to us the creation of man, but does not give us clear direction on how man was created. However, as we read on, in Chapter 2, we find the answer to how both man and woman were made. Man was made in Genesis 2:7, and as we continue to read, woman was called woman because she was taken from man. Remember? Genesis 2:21-23 describes the deep sleep that God had Adam fall under; the removal of the rib is stated, and woman being called woman is also explained.

So, here we have again, another contradiction between the Bible and the Koran. Remember from the Chrislam article of last week, that I John states that those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as the son of God, do not believe in God himself. So, as we read and study the Bible and the Koran, we find that we will obviously have many contradictions, because Islam is not worshiping the same God as is worshiped by Christians today, or the followers of the God of Abraham from the Old Testament.

Could it be possible that people disagreed with Ishmael and formed a religion that was not in worshiping the same God as his father Abraham? Of course, it is entirely possible. Did God himself set up all the various and different denominations in Christianity that we can find today? No. People disagreed on various things in the Bible, became agree or disgruntled with each other and decided to split the church. There are many, many denominations today. Some do not believe that Christ is the way to heaven or eternal life. However, the Bible has been clear on this, and Christians need a returning to their Biblical studies and beliefs. It’s that simple.

The article I used for Muhammad’s history is Click Here

However, you can find many articles on his history and the history of Islam.

God bless,


© Copyright 2011 by Sandy Brown Elders & Abounding Love Ministries Worldwide (aka) ALMs. All Rights Reserved.. This site claims all rights to this material, (unless a quote or material previously copyrighted by another) this material has been posted for readers of this site and may not be copied or re-posted without written permission of author and/or ALMs. For more info see the ALMs info pages section. Thank You. Permission has been granted to ALMs for the post, links, available on this site, for more info see the ALMs info pages section. Thank You.

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1 thought on “Ever Been Steered Wrong”

  1. Bill & Jessie

    I am reading a book by Dr. Ron Charles entitled “Religion’s Enigma-The Cross or The Crescent?” This book has a great history of Islam. I believe every Christian needs to read about the history of the church. Your eyes will be opened. (Bill)

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