A Pleasant Aroma Is What We Are To Be

A pleasant aroma is what a Ministry should be, it should be all about God and His work that we are to be doing.  I first did this devotional back in November of 2015.  I was looking back and found it and after a few minutes I decided I would post it again.

A Pleasant Aroma Is What We Are To Be

by Jym Wells

I Am Doing What God Has Called Me To Do

However this time I am asking the question to those who read it.  To you am I doing the Lords work in your eyes am I being all that I am to be in your eyes?  Am I teaching the word of God to you?  I am asking this because I need to know if I could do it better…

2 Corinthians 2:17 (MEV) 17

For we are not as many are who peddle the word of God. Instead, being sent by God, we sincerely speak in Christ in the sight of God.

It Was Then As It Is Now

Paul was dealing with the same thing others are doing today. If you read this whole chapter one thing that stuck out to me was we are a fragrance, a sweet smelling perfume that is a pleasant aroma to others.

I have heard it from more than one TV Evangelist if we do not raise thousands of dollars we are going to go off the air. Well the scripture tells me that God will meet our needs.

Philippians 4:19  (MEV)

But my God shall supply your every need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

If God Is Not Supplying

If God is not supplying the needs then maybe just maybe they need to go off the air– the pleasant aroma has turned to stink.

Is Man In Charge And Not God?

I think things that were started by God were taken over by man, not sure if man thought he could do it better than God or if greed set in am not sure however I am sure if God lets it go off the air then something was not right.

The Desires Of This Ministry

I pray that we are a pleasant aroma to others as we minister to others and be something that pleases our Lord. Let us do and be what God has called us to do and be. Let us remember who’s we are.

Memory Verse for November 22, 2018

2 Corinthians 2:17 (MEV) For we are not as many are who peddle the word of God. Instead, being sent by God, we sincerely speak in Christ in the sight of God.

Thank you for reading and may God bless and be with you and watch over you. And America it is time for us to BLESS GOD again…

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Thank you for reading and may God bless and be with you and watch over you. And World it is time for us to BLESS GOD again…

Psalms 5:8 (MEV) Lead me, O Lord, in Your righteousness because of my enemies; make Your way straight before me.

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