Jym's Article

The American Christian The Foundation of America

American and Christian are just two words that are used to describe someone. Christian, what and who one believes in. American, where one is from, however together they are what this great country was built on and why.

The American Christian The Foundation of America

by Jym Wells
First Published 07/29/2013
Re-Published 08/02/2016

Our forefathers came here to establish this great free nation for a few simple reasons called RIGHTS they are found in the BILL OF RIGHTS and THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE and the CONSTITUTION. These right were called unalienable, in today’s language inalienable, rights; meaning they CAN NOT be taken away. It was written that way for a reason because our forefathers knew that some day someone or some government would try to destroy these rights.

I have sat and listened to people argue over the separation of church and state, even people in Congress. Is it a law or is it not a law? It is not in the Constitution, nor the Bill of Rights not even in The Declaration of Independence. It was a statement in a letter, Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association of Connecticut, January 1, 1802, When Thomas Jefferson wrote his letter to them he never intended the words “Separation of Church and State” to be taken out of context and used as a substitute for the First Amendment, but for all practical purposes is what the courts have done. I do not believe he was talking about keeping the Church out of the government I think is was to keep the government out of the Church.

The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and petition the Government for a redress of grievances.  The government has gotten totally out of control today and is all about itself, not “We The People” we do not matter anymore.   Simple question… Something to think about… How many of you would be willing to spend 1,2.3,10,20 or 30 times what you would earn at a job, get a  job for four years? Well, we have people running for Congress or the Presidency doing that. Why is that, why would anyone spend more than they are going to make, why? Unless there are some underlying things that the public does not see nor hear about, insurance they get a return on their investment. Do I think term limits are needed in government, yes I do?  We have too many big, fat, cats living off the land in DC. They have forgotten why they are there and who they are working for. This nation is OURS, not the governments. If they are not going to work for “We The People” then why are they there?

I was raised, and the key word here is RAISED, by two uneducated adopted parents. My Dad had no education my Mother had a 3rd-grade education. However, they had morals and common sense. They knew and understood right from wrong and the value of a dollar. My Dad was taught, by my Mom, to write his name. I might also add here that there are children graduating high school today that can not do that. He owned his own business back in the 30’s, it was an ice service, he delivered ice door to door for the old ice boxes. For you, younger ones that were the first refrigerators, and he owned 3 ice trucks. Then he worked on the river, on tug boats until 1955 and he went to work as a union concrete finisher apprentice. He served his apprenticeship building a company called (name withheld), I found years later that it was a company for the Government, they split atoms. Yes for the atom or atomic bombs.

Once that job was finished my Dad became a concrete contractor, building garages, porches, driveways etc. and could not read or write. His word was his bond, he once told me that the world can take anything you have except for one thing and only one thing. That is your word, you can give it away however no one can take it. I have found that to be true to this day. We have and have had Presidents and Vice Presidents along with 535 Professional Politicians in Washington DC, called Congress, and more spread out across this great nation, in state, city and county government that have given their word away, in fact, some have sold their soul for the all mighty dollar. And that is what this article is all about “YOUR WORD”.  Your Word was your bond it was something that one placed high and was respected, and others word as well. I grew up in an era when a handshake was more powerful that any legally binding, attorney written, piece of paper. It was your word, your oath, your bond, it was not for sale nor nonnegotiable. It was how you established and/or built a reputation. “That person stakes their reputation on their word, they stands behind their word, their word is their bond”, and that meant that person was an honest, trustworthy person.

I have done a lot of things in my life and some of them I am not proud of, however. I have asked for forgiveness and learned to lean on God, most of the time. There are times that I think God has to give me a tap on the shoulder to get my attention. Right now I feel there are a lot of people, in America being tapped on the shoulder. Has America turned their back on God? If one is feeling guilty right now remember, guilt is a self-inflicted wound. However, the Holy Spirit might just be trying to get your attention.

Let us take a look at The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence… And let’s see what it has to say about America and its people. Remember these three things were written OF “WE THE PEOPLE”, were written BY “WE THE PEOPLE” and it was written FOR “THE PEOPLE” not for a politician or the government for The People.

The Constitution

The Bill of Rights

The Declaration of Independence

If you do not read anything else in this article READ THIS and try to understand what you are being told… When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shewn, that mankind is more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

American has sat around and listened to other people’s opinions and ideas letting them convince them that they are right and that our understanding is our own ideas are not truths or facts. Just something made up in our own mind. That is where they brought in confusion, how you ask. Simple things let us start with the word TEENAGER where did that come from? If you can find a dictionary published before 1950 you will not find the word teenager in it. A new word started in the 50s by liberals. Well in the Jewish culture they have Bar-mitzvah for boys and Bat-mitzvah for girls. This is a time where they go from children to young adults even the Bible talks about it in 1 Corinthians 13: 11 (NIV) When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought as a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man,  put aside childish things.

OH! Let them be teenagers they will grow out of it. What they were saying is let them do what they want and we will make sure they do not grow out of it… We will start by taking rights away from parents we will tell the children if your parents whip you tell us or call the Police for we have taken those rights away and we will take you and put you where you will be taught what we want you to learn. We will remove the Pledge of Allegiance out of the schools and stop prayer and for sure take the 10 Commandments off the walls. Then we will push for a hyphenated America like Afro-American, Chinese-American Latin-American and so on. We will keep Blacks and Whites arguing and call it Racial Remarks. We will feed information through the media, spending money to make sure the lies are shared. We have to, at any cost, do away with the “United We Stand (and enforce the) Divided We Fall part. Then we will push this thing to call liberalism through the schools and colleges that you have the right to do as you see fit and your parents have no say so in it. We will flood the market with fantasy games of violence and destruction. We will tell everyone that they need to depend on the Government to take care of them. We will take a program that was built to help people through rough time and make it a life style. We will give money back to single parents the more children you have the more money you will get, and on and on and on… We will penalize families for being families. Until! People are dependent totally on Big Government. Let’s not forget ADD ADHD and so on… So we can get them addicted to drugs and they will sit in school like zombies and be taught what we want them to learn. Has nothing to do with History, or responsibility has to do with liberal lies and propaganda. Here we can pass out condoms and tell them that sex is OK and if they make a mistake there is always abortion, in fact, if you have sex with someone of the same-sex pregnancy is not a problem. However, there are a lot of things a lot worse than pregnancy to worry about.

There are more people on welfare and food stamps than there are working. The unemployment totals they give you are lower than the truth because they are not adding in the people who have drawn all the unemployment they can get and can not find a job. Has lost everything and are living on the street. They do not count them as unemployed they are just there.

Or how about we need to tax the rich that is a good one. I wonder how much the Ahhh President paid last year or Congress paid or how about Mr. Holder. Or the ZARS that the President has on the payroll, how about the First Lady how much taxes did she pay are they not the rich? When was the last time anyone reading this took a 100 Million dollar vacation, and that was not the first one this year? How about the people putting their life on the line every day not making enough to buy groceries and the PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS making 6 figure salaries for a part-time job. Or troops being dropped, how about amnesty for, they have no idea how many illegals, that are already on welfare and whining about how bad they have it in a country they have no right to be in. OH yeah how about Obamacare it is supposed to be so good how come the Federal Government is exempt from it.

Let me ask any of you that are retired and drawing a retirement, how long did you have to work to get that retirement? How about 4 years and a full retirement with all the amenities that you had as a Congress person? Has anyone ever had a job where they voted not to get a raise? Or how about one Social Security cost of living raise in the last 4 years? OH yeah, we did get one last year however that was an election year I forgot. I would like to thank LBJ for moving Social Security out of the Social Security Fund into the General Fund so they could spend it all and tell us that it is going broke. It is not going broke if you put the money back you have wasted out of it CONGRESS. It is easy to spend money that is not yours to spend. It is reckless and misleading to think that the government is going to take care of one when they retire. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT COULD CARE LESS ABOUT YOU. Learn it and believe it we as seniors are nothing more than a burden to them. SHOW ME ONE THING THE GOVERNMENT HAS EVER DONE THAT MADE A PROFIT?

Now the next question is going to hurt! Who allowed all this to happen? Sorry “WE THE PEOPLE” that is who! A large amount of “WE THE PEOPLE” use a lie as an excuse for not voting, that lie is my vote doesn’t count anyway so why to bother. Who sold you that bill of goods? It is called liberalism that is who. Well, I am going to shed some light on that dark corner… By not voting you did vote, you said by not voting I WILL TAKE WHAT YOU GIVE ME! Well tell me are you happy with what you have? Voter fraud, illegal voter registration. Polling places where no one voted except for the now President, not one single person, in fact over 100% of the registered voters voted. One question if all the registered voters voted how could it be over 100%? I am waiting for an answer.

Had enough yet? There is still more! The Federal Government is employees of “We The People” We do not work for them they work for us. When is the last time you heard of an employee telling the employer what to do or the employee telling the employer that they need more money and he is making enough so he needs to give some to people that are too lazy to work? This is OUR country it is OUR place to decide who is in office, not some PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS it is a time that they start listening to us or get out of Congress. This is our country and we want it back. If anyone does not like it here there is no charge for leaving if anyone does not like the way America is then you have the right to leave and go back where you came from.

This Great Nation was founded on Godly standards it was founded because people wanted to serve a Living God openly. Well, some might say I have a right not to Worship God and I will agree you do have that right. However, I have the same right to serve Him and you do not have the right to stop me. Well, I have the right not to pray true again, however, I have the same right to pray. Well, I desire to be an atheist right once more, however again I have the same right to openly worship God if I choose to. I have the right not to pray, you sure do again I have the same right to pray. I am not saying that everyone has to believe what I believe or do what I do or even say what I say, all I am saying is  right, anyone else as someone has their right as well. I can not force what I believe down your throat neither can you , that’s all. I think live and let live stands here. I do not believe in same-sex marriages and according to the God that this country was founded under He does not either. However, if you wish to participate in that. Then do so just do not try to make me like it, I have a right not to.

What if I came to a place that was or is a center where Atheist assemble and I started protesting and screaming and shouting that you had no right to do that how would you like it. Well, Christians feel the same way when you tell us we have no right to pray or put up a cross. However, it is OK for a Porn shop to advertise its porn. Why is that?

This article is all about AMERICA and RIGHTS and as a Christian I am sick and tired of my rights being stepped on and pushed out-of-the-way. WE HAVE RIGHTS ALSO AND AS AMERICAN CITIZENS WE ALSO HAVE RIGHTS and it is the time that people started listening. There are laws about illegals and they say that if anyone is in this country without a passport a visa or a green card they are here illegally and are breaking the law period. It is time that “We The People” stop bending over backward for the government, illegals, lazy or just plain irresponsible people. Every American has the same right. It is called FREEDOM the word RIGHT has been taken out of context there is no law that says anyone has the RIGHT to anything someone else worked for and earned. There is no law that says anyone has the RIGHT to take anything from someone else. That is called robbery and it is punishable by prison time and/or a fine or both.

It is  time that AMERICANS wake up and stand up and be heard. There does not have to be riots or angry mobs, “We The People” have the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence. We have all that on our side. If they are allowed to take those rights away who is at fault. If we do not protect our rights then we are at fault. We are sitting and watching TV listening to the Radio and reading lies. People it is time you started using that thing between your ears called a BRAIN. God gave it to you for a reason. The brain is a muscle just like your arm, what would happen if you took a perfectly good arm and put it in a sling for 3 years and then took it out and tried to use it? Would it work? No, it would not, well my friend the brain is the same thing if you do not use it it will become useless and that is what is happening to America. We are becoming a country full of useless people. Like it or not!

The Egyptian people were unhappy and they took to the street. They were sold a bill of goods and swallowed it up, however, finding later it was all lies they took to the streets. What do Americans do they go to Facebook or Twitter or, or, or and they write about dinner, or the drive to the mall, or how bad they feel. I don’t vote because, I am one person I cannot
fix it, or I do not know what to do. Well, I can tell you this whining will not fix it, it will open the door to deception for you. Here we will give you this money and these food stamps and you do not have to do anything except take them. However, believe it or not, one of these days they will stop and then what? How do I know they will’  By reading a book on the Roman Empire and see what happened there. See when you run the business that makes stuff out of the country. That eliminates tax money from manufacturing the product, it eliminates jobs which do away with money to buy stuff with. It also does away with payroll taxes. Where does the government get their money they spend so freely? OH, however, there is none there anymore so they have to go borrow it on YOUR GOOD WORD that it will be paid back.

How long do you think other countries are going to keep lending money to a country who is not making the payments? Your automobile, your home, your utilities, how long can you go not paying for them before they are turned off or taken away. Well, when that happens to the government all the free stuff is going with them as well. Trust me America you are going to wake up one day willingly or not. Is it too late, I am not sure however I do believe we as Americans have a chance to save America with Gods help and some good old fashion hard work. They talk about cutting Military, Education, Police, Fire, etc. How about this instead. We cut the Presidents pay by 50% and he is allowed one vacation a year. How about we cut Congresses pay by 60% and they furnish their own clothes and home away from home. Their staff is cut by 30% and their retirement is taken to pay on the national debt as well as the Presidents and the Vice Presidents. In fact, all federal pensions unless they are earned and paid for just like any other company pensions. They go on Social Security according to how much they have paid into it (as we are) and their insurance is paid for by them and when they retire they get Medicare as we do.

They are working a part-time job so why do they need all those breaks, there are barber and beauty shops all over DC so they do not need one at the workplace. There are restaurants all over DC or they could bring their lunch. Why should I have to pay for them to have a driver and a car when I walk most everywhere? Wow, look at the money we have already saved. Now let us stop giving money to countries that do not like us or is being taken by 3rd world dictators. If we are going to feed the hungry then send our military there and feed the hungry assuring the food is not stolen and sold for a profit. I hope this article has been found interesting and that others pass it along…

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Thank you for reading and may God bless and be with you and watch over you. And World it is time for us to BLESS GOD again…

Jym Wells

Psalms 5:8(NKJV) Lead me, O Lord, in Your righteousness because of my enemies; Make Your way straight before my face.


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