MORNING PRAYER and DEVOTIONAL for Wednesday May 20, 2020

The Lord’s name is to be praised.Harmonized and Reconciled To Him by Jym Wells Please consider helping this Ministry with gifts or offerings and if you are not tithing to a church consider us as your place of worship… Psalm 113:1-3 (NKJV) 1 Praise the Lord! Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name …

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MORNING PRAYER and DEVOTIONAL for Thursday May 14, 2020

Thanksgiving to the Lord for His Great Works of Deliverance Please consider helping this Ministry with gifts or offerings and if you are not tithing to a church consider us as your place of worship… Lord this morning let us start by asking for forgiveness for any and all that we may have done that …

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A New Day Has Awaken And We Will Stand Strong The Morning Prayer is special for it starts our day out as it should be. We start it with a clean slate, so to speak. We repent of the mistakes of the day before and our Father forgives us and we work harder at being …

MORNING PRAYER and DEVOTIONAL for May 13, 2020 Read More »


Praying, Believing, Knowing, Understanding and Trusting Our Lord Our prayer today is going to be a thank You prayer to our Father. It is for all He has done for us and will do through us. We need to seek Him and remember what He has done for all of us. Psalm 105:4-6 (NKJV) 4 …

MORNING PRAYER and DEVOTIONAL for May 12, 2020 Read More »

MORNING PRAYER and DEVOTIONAL for Sunday May 10, 2020

Are We Being All That Our Father Desires? What our Father desires, is what we are going through in this world today a test? Is it what might be the beginning of the one world government. I think it is a test to see if they are ready and if we will accept what they …

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MORNING PRAYER and DEVOTIONAL for Saturday May 9, 2020

The Time Is Here Time To Take A Stand For God… I believe the day is coming that those in charge (the governments) will fear the name of the Lord, I believe that some will repent, but most will deny You and they will find there own gods and will pay the price. by Jym …

MORNING PRAYER and DEVOTIONAL for Saturday May 9, 2020 Read More »


I am sure I am sounding like a broken record, but I feel it is very important that we, as Christians, show the world something that they do not have and need. That would be the peace of our Lord. Let Us, As Christians Learn To Be All You Desire Us To Be by Jym …

MORNING PRAYER and DEVOTIONAL for May 8, 2020 Read More »

MORNING PRAYER and DEVOTIONAL for Thursday May 7, 2020

Believe It Or Not It Is Going To Happen. Like It Or Not!!! We are children of the ONE and ONLY God! However we has human beings have to try and figure things out on our own and most of the time end up in sinking sand. Then we cry out for His help. Psalm …

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MORNING PRAYER and DEVOTIONAL for Tuesday May 6, 2020

Time Has Come For Christians To Take A Stand… by Jym Wells Is It Time For This World [America] to see our Father at work? Have we sat around and been quiet long enough? The Government for the past three and a half years has tried to destroy the man God put in office. Psalm …

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MORNING PRAYER and DEVOTIONAL for Tuesday May 5, 2020.

With You In Charge Father Nothing Is Impossible Let Us Learn And Believe This Please consider helping this Ministry with gifts or offerings and if you are not tithing to a church consider us as your place of worship… by Jym Wells This day is a day our Lord has made so let us rejoice …

MORNING PRAYER and DEVOTIONAL for Tuesday May 5, 2020. Read More »


Are We  Pepaired To Share The Good News Of Jesus To The World My desire is to PRAISE our Father, Jesus for what He did for us and The Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost for LOVING us and taking our SINS to the CROSS. So we all could be saved and spend ETERNITY with Him, …

MORNING PRAYER and DEVOTIONAL for May 3, 2020 Read More »

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