Morning Prayer For Thursday February 21, 2019

Morning Prayer For Thursday February 21, 2019 Morning Prayer today is Proverbs 21:21 (MEV) He who follows after righteousness and mercy finds life, righteousness, and honor. We all know right from wrong, even the lost, however the enemy has made sin look so good and laughs when one chooses it… I am not going to …

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Husbands Love Your Wives As Christ First Loved The Church

Husbands Love Your Wives As Christ First Loved The Church Husbands love your wives… That sounds easy and it is if you do it. Loving your wives is a commandment not a suggestion. We are to love our wives, we are the head and we need to start being the head. We need to love …

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Morning Prayer For Wednesday February 20, 2019

Morning Prayer For Wednesday February 20, 2019 Morning Prayer is fuel to start a day! Proverbs 20:7 (MEV) The just man walks in his integrity; his children are blessed after him. Something I have noticed when you are in church and take a look around and count the women and men. I have found that …

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Morning Prayer For Friday February 15, 2019

Morning Prayer For Friday February 15, 2019 Morning Prayer is fuel for our soul. Lord as we start this day let us remember all that You have done for us without even asking. Like waking us up this morning and giving us the Bible to live and learn from. Lord I am so blessed knowing …

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Morning Prayer For Thursday February 14, 2019

Morning Prayer For Thursday February 14, 2019 Morning Prayer food for the soul. I started therapy for my back and neck yesterday, they are trying to fix the problem without surgery first. Praying that it works, I have dealt with my back for years and it just started getting worse. Loosing feeling in my feet …

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Morning Prayer For Wednesday February 13, 2019

Morning Prayer For Wednesday February 13, 2019 Morning prayer is to inspire the readers for that day. To give each one a message of hope and inspiration. I pray that the Lord direct me today in the way He wishes me to go. And I pray that the Holy Spirit speaks to me clearly. Well …

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Disputing With The Devil, Not Necessary Let God Handle It!

Disputing With The Devil, Not Necessary Let God Handle It! Disputing with the devil like arguing with a STOP sign it will never change. So why bother just let the Lord deal with him. Four words will take care of the problem “THE LORD REBUKE YOU” and move on… by Jym Wells 02/12/2019 Jude 9 …

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Grace is Faith a Trusting Acceptance of Gods Will

Grace. The free and unmerited favor of God shown towards man, the divine assistance and power given to man in spiritual rebirth and sanctification. by Jym Wells 02/10/2019 Ephesians 2:8 (NKJV) For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, Faith. Christianity Secure belief …

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