Light or Darkness, Good or Bad, Right or Wrong. God or Satan?

Light or Darkness, Good or Bad, Right or Wrong. God or Satan?

Light! We all have a choice to make and it can be called many different names. The Title of the devotional is different ways it is said all the same answer in the end. God or satan your choice… By Jym Wells 01/15/2019 We are all human beings, we all work and live here on …

Light or Darkness, Good or Bad, Right or Wrong. God or Satan? Read More »

Faith Is How We Should Live—Do We That Is The Question?

Faith is a very big word that we, as Christians, should hang onto for that is our breath. Hebrews 11:1  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not of yourselves. It is the gift of …

Faith Is How We Should Live—Do We That Is The Question? Read More »

Praise God For The Living Hope–Jesus Christ

Praise God For The Living Hope–Jesus Christ Praise God for all that we have and all we have to believe in… Jesus Christ is our only hope nothing else or no one else can save our souls and guarantee Heaven. Living by Faith the only the shed blood of Jesus can and will save us …

Praise God For The Living Hope–Jesus Christ Read More »

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