Feeling Or Seeking Knowing But Trying Our Way Anyway

Feeling that sometimes we try to do thing on our own first… Knowing it never works however we do have to keep on trying I thought these two scriptures might help us… by Jym Wells 03/12/2019 Devotional Scriptures 1 Chronicles 16:11 (MEV) Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face continually. 1 Chronicles 16:14 …

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The Morning Prayer For Thursday March 21, 2019

The Morning Prayer For Thursday March 21, 2019 The morning prayer I sometimes wonder (and I know where it comes from) am I doing any good with this? I get up most mornings, and have from September 17, 2014, and write a morning prayer and a daily devotional. For the most part 6 days a …

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Jesus Advances in Wisdom and Favor

Jesus Advances in Wisdom and Favor Jesus advances in wisdom and favor we read in Luke 2:47 47 (NKJV) And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers. Jesus, as a boy. amazes the Scholars. by Jym Wells First Published 03/30/2016 Re-Published 03/18/2019 Feast Of The Passover Luke 2:41-52 (NKJV) 41 His …

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The Morning Prayer For Tuesday March 19, 2019

The Morning Prayer For Tuesday March 19, 2019 The Morning Prayer this morning Lord is about the stand I am taking, with and for You. The Trojan Horse is not outside of the gate anymore! It has been invited into the city, it is flooding the land with the lies of the enemy… I am …

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Morning Prayer For Saturday March 16, 2019

Morning Prayer For Saturday March 16, 2019 Morning prayer is something we all need. The Bible tells us to, “Pray without ceasing.” So I thought today my prayer would be about helping others to pray. If I can I am not an expert at praying—sometimes I ramble on about little things. Then one day I …

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The Lord Is Coming Back One Day For His People!

The Lord Is Coming Back One Day For His People! The Lord will return one day, however right now we are here and we have the need for things. I was looking at some scriptures and thought I might share a few thoughts. by Jym Wells 03/14/2019 Some times I hear a scripture used and …

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Morning Prayer Thursday March 14, 2019

Morning Prayer Thursday March 14, 2019 Morning prayer is special time for me. I write my morning pray believing other read it and get inspired and helps others get through the day laid out before us. I pray that this prayer inspires other to pray more. Our church is having a revival starting March 17. …

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Morning Prayer For Wednesday March 13, 2019

Morning Prayer For Wednesday March 13, 2019 Morning Prayer is about this world and where WE Christians have sat back and watched it slid into hell. We complain about the in justices but do nothing about it… Where would we be if Peter, Paul, Timothy, or John, Matthew, Luke and Mark had been the same …

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