Beware Of The Enemy For He Is Waiting to Steal Kill And Destroy

Beware Of The Enemy For He Is Waiting to Steal Kill And Destroy Beware of the enemy! He is here and he has slipped into our midst. When money became the motivator in some ministries, God has been put in the back seat and some are now trying to drive. As we read in the …

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Life As A Christian Becoming An Example To The World

Life As A Christian Becoming An Example To The World Life as a Christian is found in the Christians Owners Manual called the Holy Bible… Everything one needs to know about the Christian walk and the Christian talk. Again I say your walk speaks much more that your talk does. by Jym Wells 02/24/2019 Philippians …

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Morning Prayer For Sunday February 24, 2019

Morning Prayer For Sunday February 24, 2019 Morning Prayer I believe is as important as eating or getting dressed it is putting on your Godly Armor. It is about preparing for the battles that are coming Ephesians 6:12 (NASB) For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, …

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Walking, Standing Nor Sitting With Sin…

Walking, Standing, Sitting With Sin… Walking, Standing or Sitting with sin. We should not do that at all after reading this I thought about 2 Corinthians 6:17 (MEV) Therefore, “Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.” Separating Ourselves From Sin …

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Morning Prayer For Friday February 22, 2019

Morning Prayer For Friday February 22, 2019 Morning prayer, so I will say Good Morning to some. Good Afternoon to some others and then there are those who are going to bed so I will say Good Night. Abounding Love Ministries Worldwide is just that we are world wide here on Facebook and on Twitter. …

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