The Greatest One Thing For Christians To Grasp Is Love

The greatest one thing for us to grasp is LOVE this word is found 538 times 317 times in the Old Testament, and 221 times in the New Testament. Love is a powerful word. 1 Corinthians 13:13 (MEV) So now abide faith, hope, and love, these three. But the greatest of these is love. Galatians …

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Give Thanks To Our Father Always In Everything

Give Thanks To Our Father Always In Everything Give thanks for everything and yes sometimes it is hard. We go through trials to make us stronger and learn. The hardest trial is when one needs something and has to wait for the answer… Ephesians 5:20-21 (MEV) 20 Give thanks always for all things to God …

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Christian Freedom, Spiritual Fruit Not Fleshly Works

Christians are known by their fruits… We see it they show up on special Sunday’s, C and E Christians,Christmas and Easter. Or every now and then when one might need something from our Lord. Now I am not saying everyone that only shows up on Sunday are in this boat, I understand working and even …

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A Voice A Prophecy–The Sign of Immanuel

Isaiah speaks of the coming and of Jesus–Immanuel a sign from the Lord. There are more verses I am sure, however, I am using these 3 today Isaiah 7:14–Isaiah 9:6–Isaiah 28:16. by Jym Wells 12/21/2018 Isaiah 7:14 (MEV) Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign: The virgin[Hebrew young woman] shall conceive, and bear …

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