Morning Prayer For Wednesday April 17, 2019

April 17, 2019 The Morning prayer started out wrong this morning. So first I need to ask for forgiveness for doing what I said I would not do and that was start reading others comments before praying. So Father forgive me. I promised to start with and do the “Morning Prayer” first and I did …

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Morning Prayer For Palm Sunday April 14, 2019

The morning prayer today is about Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter that begins the Holy Week. It is the day that we remember and celebrate the day Jesus entered into Jerusalem as Savior and King. Zechariah 9:9 (MEV) Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! And cry aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king …

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Service That Pleases God, What Does That Mean To You?

Service that pleases or Father. Is that what we represent to others, is that what others see. One of the strongest things I think about when I think about this is “I might be the only Jesus that person might see”… Am I being a good representation of Jesus to others… by Jym Wells 04/13/2019 …

Service That Pleases God, What Does That Mean To You? Read More »

Morning Prayer For Saturday April 13, 2019

Morning Prayer The morning prayer is my time to talk to my Father and listen to what He would have me to write about today. To thank Him for allowing me another day. To be here being blessed by others and helping others grow in our Lord… Not perfect just forgiven. It amazes me how …

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Paul Calls for Congregations To Examination Ourselves

Paul Calls for us to examine ourselves. As I was searching for something to write a Devotional about I was reading in 2 Corinthians I was at chapter 13 and like the beginning I read it 3 times before I grasped what I was being told and the only way I could say it was …

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Denying Ourselves Taking Up Our Cross DAILY

Denying means [To declare untrue; assert to be false, to refuse to believe, to reject. To refuse to recognize or acknowledge; disavow. To decline to grant or allow; refuse. To give a refusal to; turn down or away. To restrain (oneself) especially from indulgence in pleasures.] OH my, are we even attempting to deny ourselves? …

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Is Jesus Worthy, By Our Way Of Living?

Is Jesus worthy to be praised? Is He worthy of getting the respect and honor He deserves? Are we living our lives as “Christians” that are proving His worthiness? Does Jesus’s worthiness reflect through our ways of demonstrating who HE is? by Charlotte Theriot 04/10/2019 We need to question ourselves if not! We need to …

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Good Morning, Prayer For Wednesday April 10, 2019

Good Morning Father, thank You for giving me another day to be about to glorify Your name. One more day to tell the world how great You are… Thank You for the good nights rest, Thank You for watching over me and stationing Guardian Angels around me and my family. So that we could rest …

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Don’t Be Weighted Down With This World And Its Heavy Load

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] Weighted down I think they to peaces of Scripture are very important to us. For we do allow this world to load us up with worry and need. Our Father has taken care of what we need if we will only ask and except. by His Shepherd Jym …

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