MORNING PRAYER For Friday November 6, 2020

MORNING PRAYER For Friday November 6, 2020 Well today I was thinking again and that gets me in trouble at times. In the Biblical times the same thing went on but the difference was how they dealt with it. My Pastor used the story of Daniel and what happened. Well it is not to different …

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Cleaning House Before The Service Starts

Devotional Tuesday October 20, 2020 Cleaning House, I heard a message last night that hit home. I have said for years that I think the alter should be full before the church service starts. How many can say that they did not sin on the drive to church. Not necessarily a big one but one …

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This is Happening. Please Read. Beware! Signs of What is Coming

Shared by a friend and re shared by someone who heard Nikita Khrushchev say it. The balance of the posting is in action as we speak! I wish I could take credit for this but I can’t. Look around and see it is happening right before our face. The said part is we are allowing …

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MORNING PRAYER for Saturday September 19, 2020

The Morning Prayer today is we have the POWER OF HIS WORKS are we using them? It is in the Bible I did not make it up. David declared it in the Old Testament and that is what we will talk about today. Psalms 111:6 (NKJV) He has declared to His people the power of …

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MORNING PRAYER and DEVOTIONAL for Friday September 18, 2020

The Morning Praying for today is about are we trusting our Father to do as He says He will? Is He going to defend us, do we believe he will? Psalms 110:6 says He will and I believe we must believe for it to come true. Psalms 110:6 (NKJV) He shall judge among the nations, …

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MORNING PRAYER and DEVOTIONAL for Thursday September 17, 2020

The Morning Prayer is going to be just a little different. Last night at church our Pastor brought up a good point, and I think we all should hear it and pray it today in fact over and over. Psalm 109:21 (NKJV) But You, O God the Lord, deal with me for Your name’s sake; …

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MORNING PRAYER for Wednesday September 16, 2020

MORNING PRAYER for Wednesday September 16, 2020 Good Morning Father I am sitting here quietly waiting to hear from You. Your words are what is needed in this world today I cannot do this without You. You are above all and over all we need to hear from You Father. Psalm 108:5-6 (NKJV) 5 Be …

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MORNING PRAYER for Tuesday September 15, 2020

The Morning Prayer today is about why do we have to try everything first before turning to our Lord? It seems like we know He is and has the answer but we just have to try it on our on. Psalms 107 12-14 (NKJV) 12 Therefore He brought down their heart with labor; They fell …

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MORNING PRAYER and DEVOTIONAL for Sunday September 13

The Morning Prayer today is about giving thanks to the Lord. Let us be all that we should be in all we do. Simple things like at the store when we say thank you to the clerk or the cashier as God bless to it. Let us be proud of the Lord. Giving Thanks To …

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MORNING PRAYER for Saturday September 12, 2020

Morning prayer is for us as Christians that are in fear and wondering what is coming next… The Lord has us, that is a fact if we only TRUST and BELIEVE Him. That is the most important we MUST TRUST and BELIEVE! Psalms 104:1-2 (NKJV) Bless the LORD, O my soul! O LORD my God, …

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MORNING PRAYER and DEVOTIONAL for Friday September 11

The Morning Prayer today is about DO YOU REMEMBER 9/11/2001? That was an attack that we should never forget and as long as I am living I will not forget it over 3000 people died over what? Psalms 103:12 (NKJV) As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our …

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MORNING PRAYER For Thursday September 10, 2020

The Morning Prayer should touch us all, have you ever felt that God is not listening? Could it be that He is hearing just not answering. Maybe there is a reason, maybe He is not answering because we are asking for something that is not right or could we have stepped out of (for lack …

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MORNING PRAYER for Wednesday September 9, 2020

Are we actually believing in God or are we hoping it works out. This has been on my mind for a couple months and the Psalms today brought it out again so today the Prayer is about trusting and believing. Psalms 101:6 (NKJV) My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land, that they …

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