Are We  Pepaired To Share The Good News Of Jesus To The World My desire is to PRAISE our Father, Jesus for what He did for us and The Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost for LOVING us and taking our SINS to the CROSS. So we all could be saved and spend ETERNITY with Him, …

MORNING PRAYER and DEVOTIONAL for May 3, 2020 Read More »

Jesus Has Overcome The World Do You Now Believe

Jesus walked on this earth and died for our sins. He rose after 3 days and is now sitting at the right hand of the Father interceding for us. The question asked here, in this scripture is DO YOU NOW BELIEVE. Things are happening and will happen. by Jym WellsNovember 9, 2019 John 16:31-33 (NKJV) …

Jesus Has Overcome The World Do You Now Believe Read More »

The World is Full of False Prophets Today Be Prepared

Beware, danger, look out for, these are all words warning us of possible harm. This world is full of things and people that wish to harm to steal from other to destroy and even kill. Oh, that sounds like our enemy, the defeated one. by Jym WellsNovember 8, 2019 1 John 4:1 (NKJV) Beloved, do …

The World is Full of False Prophets Today Be Prepared Read More »

Jesus the Light of the World–Before Abraham Was, I AM!

Jesus says He is the “Light of the world” I am using more scripture today thank usual, however it is not hard to understand I do not believe. We need to understand WHO’S we are and start living a victorious life… by Jym Wells 06/23/2019 Today’s Scriptures John 8:12 (NKJV) Then Jesus spoke to them …

Jesus the Light of the World–Before Abraham Was, I AM! Read More »

Don’t Be Weighted Down With This World And Its Heavy Load

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] Weighted down I think they to peaces of Scripture are very important to us. For we do allow this world to load us up with worry and need. Our Father has taken care of what we need if we will only ask and except. by His Shepherd Jym …

Don’t Be Weighted Down With This World And Its Heavy Load Read More »

Life As A Christian Becoming An Example To The World

Life As A Christian Becoming An Example To The World Life as a Christian is found in the Christians Owners Manual called the Holy Bible… Everything one needs to know about the Christian walk and the Christian talk. Again I say your walk speaks much more that your talk does. by Jym Wells 02/24/2019 Philippians …

Life As A Christian Becoming An Example To The World Read More »

Blameless And Harmless Shining as Lights in the World

Blameless And Harmless Shining as Lights in the World Blameless and harmless sons and daughters without fault. That is who and what we are. Jesus paid the price for us all. He died for everyone so that they can be saved. It is a choice that we all must make… by Jym Wells 08/18/2018 Philippians …

Blameless And Harmless Shining as Lights in the World Read More »

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