What Will It Take To Bring You Home For He Died For You Also

What will it take, that is the question I am asking today. Jesus went to the cross just for a sinner just like us all. He did not pick anyone out nor did He leave anyone behind. That is a choice only you can make for yourself. by Jym Wells, through The Holy Spirit April …

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The Sin-Bearing Messiah Is Coming According To Isaiah

The Sin-bearing Messiah was talked about Years before Jesus came by Isaiah. He spoke of his coming in Isaiah 53:5 told of His coming. I am sure back then was not much different than now with doubters. However let us look at these scriptures and let me share with you what I see… by Jym …

The Sin-Bearing Messiah Is Coming According To Isaiah Read More »

Preeminence of Christ Jesus The Position of Superior Status

Preeminence meaning; high status importance owing to marked superiority; “a scholar of great eminence” eminence, distinction, note, high status – a position of superior status; king – preeminence in a particular category or group or field; “the lion is the king of beasts” by Jym Wells March 27, 2020 Colossians 1:9-12 (NKJV) 9 For this …

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Christian Who Is In Charge Right Now Who Is Directing…

Christians around the world what is going on. What is a recession? Who causes a recession? Who profits from a recession. Well I know our God is not behind this mess. Lets all go hide our heads in the sand and hope it goes away… by Jym WellsMarch 18, 2020 Matthew 6:24 (NKJV) “No one …

Christian Who Is In Charge Right Now Who Is Directing… Read More »

Fellowshiping With Our Lord And One Another

Fellowshiping with our Lord and each other. This scripture makes it very clear. Sin is everywhere, there is no one that does not sin. Jesus Christ was the offering for us for He knew no sin, Yet He took our sin past, present, and future so that we can have eternal life with our Father …

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Where Is Your Heart? There Is Where Your Treasures Are!

by Jym Wells February 26, 2020 Where is your heart? Are we living for the things here on earth or are we lying up treasures in Heaven? We as Christians should be working toward Heaven we should be telling everyone about Jesus and what He has done for us… Matthew 6:19-21 (NKJV) 19 “Do not …

Where Is Your Heart? There Is Where Your Treasures Are! Read More »

Anyone Wondering In The Wilderness And Wondering Why?

We all, I am sure, have been places we did not understand why or how we would get out of it. Well I think that is where the children of Israel were. What did they do? Something I think we all are guilty of and that is looking back and questioning why did we leave …

Anyone Wondering In The Wilderness And Wondering Why? Read More »

Where is Your Heart, Are You Laying Up Treasures In Heaven?

Where is our hearts are we really wanting to serve the Lord? Have we asked Him what He desires for us to do? Or are we just running and not sure where the goal is or what we are doing. by Jym Wells February 14, 2020 Matthew 6:19-21 (NKJV) 19 “Do not lay up for …

Where is Your Heart, Are You Laying Up Treasures In Heaven? Read More »

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