Rejoice And Let The Peace Of God Guard Your Heart

Rejoice always in the Lord! No matter what is going on rejoice in the Lord. Good, bad whatever the Lord should be in charge and the enemy will flee… by Jym Wells 09/25/2019 Philippians 4:4-7 (NKJV) 4 Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! 5 Let your [graciousness or forbearance]gentleness be known …

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Learning To Be Gentle And Careful To Win The Lost

Learning to be gentle, I know today’s scripture starts with therefore so let us look back an see what it is really there fore. Reading verses 1-11 about 7 different things ran through my mind as I read. The one that really hit me was verse 6. Matthew 7:6 (MEV) “Do not give what is …

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The Punishment Of Jerusalem Could This Also Be America Now

The punishment of Jerusalem was because they would not listen in fact even rebelled against God. My question, is the same thing happening to American. I was reading this morning the Liberal Democrats are The Democratic National Committee passed a first-of-its-kind resolution Saturday recognizing the “ethical soundness” and “importance” of religiously unaffiliated Americans while contending …

The Punishment Of Jerusalem Could This Also Be America Now Read More »

The Fruit Jesus Is Referring To Is Not Apples Or Oranges

Fruit what is Jesus talking about? John 15:16 (MEV) You did not choose Me, but I chose you, and appointed you, that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that the Father may give you whatever you ask Him in My name. We seem to get part b of this …

The Fruit Jesus Is Referring To Is Not Apples Or Oranges Read More »

The Promise of the Lord’s Coming According To Peter

The promise of the Lord’s coming is 2 Peter 3, the whole chapter however I would like us to look at verses 11 through 18. Starting out with destruction I think of the liar and his followers. And telling us what we ought to be, Holy conduct and Godliness. by Jym Wells 08/23/2019 2 Peter …

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