There Is A Problem In The Church Today, Spiritual Immaturity

Yes, there is a problem in the Church today and I am not talking about the building. I am speaking to the Church the people in it. We have set around and listened to people tell us what they think our Father is saying and not trying to understand it. Not reading the Word or …

There Is A Problem In The Church Today, Spiritual Immaturity Read More »

Wisdom And Frustration, Knowledge And Sorrow Why?

Wisdom And Frustration, Knowledge And Sorrow, to this day I remember reading this scripture and thinking “then why to I want to understand the Bible”. by Jym Wells 08/01/2019 Today’s Scripture Ecclesiastes 1:18 (MEV) For in an abundance of wisdom is an abundance of frustration, and he who increases in knowledge also increases in sorrow. …

Wisdom And Frustration, Knowledge And Sorrow Why? Read More »

The Christians Oath of Office, A Higher Standard

by Jym Wells 07/23/2019 The President of the United States of America has an Oath of Office. The Attorney General has an Oath of Office. Congress and the House of Representatives has and Oath of Office. I figured if they do then why not Christians. I know and understand that we are saved by Grace …

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Lucifer Is His Name A Liar And The Father Of It Is Who He Is

Lucifer is his name and today let us get to know his game. He is a powerless fool that believes he is as powerful as our Father. I desire to tell you what I have found out about him and his titles… by Jym Wells 07/10/2019 Today’s Scripture John 8:44 (MEV) You are of your …

Lucifer Is His Name A Liar And The Father Of It Is Who He Is Read More »

Turn Away From Evil Choose Today Who You Will Serve

Turn away from evil… This is not a suggestion no one can serve two masters. They will love one and hate the other. So choose this day who you will serve! by Jym Wells06/30/2019 1 Peter 3:10-12 (NKJV) 10 For “He who would love life And see good days, Let him refrain his tongue from …

Turn Away From Evil Choose Today Who You Will Serve Read More »

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